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Canopus Six Sigma Certification
Canopus Black Belt Certification

You will receive Canopus Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification, upon completion of the following criteria, which is widely accepted in Industry.
- Clear foundation Six Sigma online assessment (GB Level) – Exempted if you are GB Certified from CBMG
- Clear advanced Six Sigma online assessment (BB Level)
- Complete 1 BB Project get sign-off from the internal sponsor (Or) Submit Artifacts as a justification and defense of application knowledge. (Artifacts refers to application of any 1 or 2 BB BoK Tools to real life or 1 simulated scenario such as situation based cases provided by CBMG.)
To apply for BB certification Click Here
Canopus Six Sigma Green Belt Certification

You will receive Canopus Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification, upon completion of the following criteria, that is widely accepted in Industry:
- Clear online Lean Six Sigma exam conducted by Canopus Business Management Group
- Submit proof for application of Lean Six Sigma concepts(Application of at least 5 Lean Six Sigma Tools to real-life problem or 1 Lean Six Sigma project)
- At the discretion of Canopus, you may have to take viva by Lean Six Sigma industry experts
To apply for GB certification Click Here
Canopus Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification

You will receive Canopus Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification, upon completion of the following criteria that is widely accepted in Industry: Clear online Lean Six Sigma exam** conducted by Canopus Business Management Group
To apply for YB certification Click Here
Examination & Evaluation formats
To know more about exam format, number of questions, time duration & artifacts, write to us at
Learn more about Online Six Sigma Training Courses Click Here