Free Articles on Lean Six Sigma Courses

Organizations strive to eliminate three basic categories of waste in their business processes. Basic Waste Category are: Wasteful activity – Work that adds no value to a product or service. Eliminating such activities from business processes will help organizations cut cost. Unevenness – This denotes inconsistencies that exist in a business process. Unevenness and inconsistencies […]

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Concept of Wastes as perceived in Lean

In a Lean manufacturing process, time and resources spent on conveying data and information are regarded as waste. Visual factory tools—such as signs, charts, check sheets, and more— simplify information and reduce resources and time consumed to make it accessible. Clear and concise real-time information and feedback regarding the status of a plant or a […]

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What is Visual Factory?

Learn about the goals and principles of Lean in this article. Lean manufacturing has a few important goals, which have led many industries to implement lean in their production processes. The goals include: Improving quality to stay ahead of competition in the market. This is done by capturing customer requirements and redesigning operational processes to […]

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Goals and Principles of Lean?

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